4 – Personality and Teamwork


Activity Level: You likely find yourself alternating between managing multiple activities at once and finding time to take it
easy and relax. Continue to avoid the stress of always being on the go while considering ways you can best utilize your energy
to contribute to the team tasks.
Assertiveness: You sometimes like to take the lead in a group setting, but are also comfortable allowing others to take charge
in a team. Be aware of times when you should speak your mind or take the lead but also be mindful of situations where you
should take a step back and let others contribute.
Cheerfulness: You tend to be joyful and optimistic, but also know when to be serious about accomplishing the team's work.
Continue to adapt your behavior to best suit the situation, whether that means sharing a laugh with friends or focusing on the
Excitement-Seeking: You enjoy your fair share of excitement but within reason. Take advantage of your flexibility to help
your team succeed at every stage of your project, from the routine, low-risk work to the more exciting, conceptual stages of
teamwork and direction setting.
Friendliness: You are fairly comfortable meeting most new people but there are times you may prefer to focus on the task
rather than building friendships. Be mindful of the times you can enjoy your ability to connect with others and when you should
focus on the team task at hand.
Gregariousness: You can work alone or in a group, and can likely to succeed in either situation. Remember that others may
not be as flexible, be prepared to help your teammates adapt to environments that are less preferable to them.

Anxiety: You may experience some worries or stress when thinking about your tasks or a team project, but you tend not to let
yourself be overwhelmed by these thoughts. Capitalize on your ability to anticipate challenges without getting caught up in
problems that may never happen.
Frustration: You do not easily lose your temper and are able to avoid most team conflict. Capitalize on your ability to stay
calm, but be careful not to appear unengaged or indifferent by avoiding all disagreements. Instead, focus on engaging in
task-focused discussions and debate.
Immoderation: You tend to be able to stay on task, but also are ready to join in spontaneous team discussion to help
generate ideas and solutions. Capitalize on your ability to stay focused to help the team succeed, but do not be afraid to join in
on spontaneous or tangent conversations that can lead to innovation.
Melancholic: You tend to feel happy and content with yourself and abilities, but sometimes may be critical of yourself. Turn
your self-criticism into constructive areas for of self-improvement and reflect on recent accomplishments and past
achievements to maintain your self-confidence.
Self-Consciousness: You tend to feel comfortable and confident interacting with your team, which allows you to be unafraid
of people critically analyzing your ideas. Be sure to step aside and gives others the opportunity to share their opinions, and
encourage more self-conscious teammates help build their confidence.
Vulnerability: You tend to be confident managing the pressure of multiple tasks but can sometimes feel overwhelmed. Keep
open lines of communication with your team when you are feeling stressed and need help on a task. When you are managing
your stress well, offer up help to others that may be struggling.


Achievement-Striving: You tend to do what is expected of you and put in extra time when it suits you. Be mindful of team
members who are not putting in as much effort and those that are putting in more than they should. Set clear guidelines of the
amount and quality of work of each team member so everyone contributes equally.
Cautiousness: You are reasonably cautious and consider both sides of a decision before taking action. Help your team take
calculated risks while also ensuring adequate time is given to discuss decisions where the risks could outweigh the benefits.
Dependability: For the most part, others can depend on you to follow through on your obligations. When something gets in
the way of you completing your task or responsibility, try to give your team members notice so you do not let the team down.
Orderliness: You tend to work in a fairly tidy space but you are not distracted or bothered if a mess starts to build up. Be open
to team members who may prefer a different style of work, whether that is clean and tidy or in disarray and chaos.
Self-Efficacy: You may find yourself doubting your ability to get the job done. You should inform your team members of your
strengths when the group is assigning tasks in order to exploit your skillset, but be willing to push yourself to learn and try new
things to build on your current knowledge.
Self-Discipline: You often have little trouble carrying out your plans but may sometimes waste time procrastinating. To
ensure you execute your tasks without wasting time, make a task list for each working hour of the day and stick to it.

Altruism: You seem to find a balance between attending to your own needs and emotions, and considering the opinions and
feelings of others. Maintain your ability to stay focused on your own responsibilities while being mindful and prepared to step
in to assist other team members if needed.
Cooperation: You do not actively seek out confrontation but you also do not shy away from it. Promote harmony and healthy
debate in your team by encouraging less cooperative individuals to stay on task with their arguments and highly cooperative
individuals to stand up for their opinions or constructively analyze others ideas.
Modesty: You have a healthy amount of self-respect and are reasonably proud of your accomplishments. Use your confidence
to help encourage individuals in your team who may not think highly about their value to the team.
Morality: You tend to be genuine and follow the rules most of the time. When working in a team, remember that you are
working towards a shared goal and try not to take advantage of others, as it will negatively affect everyone in the team.
Sympathy: You can sympathize with many people but not all. Working in a team, you will come across unique backgrounds
and situations so be mindful of other members' situations or circumstances that you might not normally be sympathetic to.
Trust: You tend to trust others but still view their intentions to follow through on commitments with some suspicion. This
caution can be important when you first form a team but trust that your team members will do their work by setting clear
expectations of work quality in order to maintain team trust and accountability.

Adventurousness: While you enjoy some routine, you are not opposed to change and variety. During time restricted tasks,
depend on conventional methods but be open to exploring alternative thinking and methods when time and resources allow
your team to do so.
Artistic Interests: You tend to engage in the practical aspects of a task while still holding value in the aesthetic of the work.
Help your team to create a presentation-ready final product that is both technically sound and creative in order to achieve the
highest possible performance.
Imagination: You can think in both concrete and abstract terms. Take advantage of this flexibility to help your team strike a
balance between generating creative ideas and solutions and buckling down to produce practical solutions.
Intellect: You do not mind engaging in theoretical discussions or debating abstract ideas but are also content to focus on the
basic aspects of a task required for your team to succeed. Encourage your team to work on challenging problems while still
accomplishing simple but important deliverables.
Liberalism: You tend to be open to liberal ideologies, but do see the value in tradition and established ways of thinking. Use
this flexibility to connect to different-minded individuals and help others to be open to contrasting perspectives.
Sentimentality: You tend to be aware of your emotions and the emotions of others. Use this ability to try to recognize
situations where it is important to connect and empathize with others or where it is key to help the team focus on the tasks at


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